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Can I modify a license?

You may modify the license(s) associated with your offering at any time:

  • In the “Publication” menu, click on “Modify”, next to the corresponding offering.
  • Select the “Distribution conditions” step.
  • Click on “Modify”, next to the desired combination of distribution conditions to modify the usage license and pricing:
    • If this is for an Open Data license, you may choose a different type of Open Data license.
    • If this is for an already existing license, you may replace the license file.
    • If this is for a configurable license, you may modify the desired parameters (targets, terms of sale, license name, exclusivity, duration, allowed uses, pricing...).

Can I create a new license even after publication?
Yes, once online, you may add other combinations of distribution conditions to your offering, with different terms of use and pricing conditions.

Can I propose a personalized license to an acquirer?

If you'd like to offer this acquirer a special price, you can generate a customized offer in the conversation with them. These new conditions are only valid for that acquirer and are not revealed to other members.

If you also wish to offer specific conditions of use, visible only to this acquirer, you will need to:

  • duplicate the data offering,
  • modify the data license with the desired parameters,
  • change the visibility options for the new offeirng, so that it is only visible to this specific acquirer.

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