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How to create effective saved searches

Saved searches are tools designed to keep you from missing opportunities in the data marketplace. After you enter and save all the criteria for your searches, you will be able to easily find any new publication that matches your needs. 

In order to receive the most accurate notifications possible, fill in the following fields carefully:

  • Keywords: use multiple terms and their synonyms.

  • Territories: indicate the origin or subject of the data you want, preferably specifying countries rather than regions.

  • Business sectors: specify the activity from which the data must originate (real estate, banking, environment, business...).

  • Data types: choose from a preconfigured list (geolocation data, client files, average shopping carts...).

Of course, the titles for your saved searches are also important, as they help you do preliminary sorting on search results. 

Go to the platform now and create saved searches that will help you find new data sources.

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