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Why share an offering outside the platform? And how?

You may choose to share a data offering with people outside the platform if you would like to promote your data.

By making a preview of your offering visible outside the platform, you maximize its exposure without revealing all the details. Samples, usage conditions, pricing, and reference contact are reserved for registered members. You may also include the preview in your marketing campaigns or share it on social networks to incite your target partners to join you on the platform.

To activate sharing for a data offering outside the platform:

  1. Go to the “Visibility and sharing” step of your data offering. 

  2. Under the "Visibility outside the platform" section, choose the option “Make visible outside the platform

Once this option is activated, information describing your offering (its name, data type, production date, business sectors, and keywords), will be visible by non-registered individuals who have access to the offering's URL.

Various sharing options are available once the data offering is published. You can : 

  • copy the offering link, 
  • send it by e-mail, 
  • share it on social media, 
  • or generate a QR code for quick access to your offering from visual supports. 

The option to share on social networks depends on your Data Exchange Platform subscription plan and configuration. To find out what your current plan is, click on your name >  "Your organization", and review the "Subscription plan and quotas" box, or get in touch with our support team.

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