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How do I search for data offering or advisory services offerings?

The platform includes a search bar that helps make it easier to connect acquirers with providers.

It is only possible to search for advisory services on platforms that provide an ecosystem of advisory services offerings. To find out more, please contact your sales representative or go to Publication > Advisory services.

There are different ways (which may be combined) to search for data offerings or advisory services offerings:

  • Enter the most suitable keywords for the desired data or advisory services in the search bar. The platform displays results according to their ranking in terms of relevance. For more information on results ranking, please read this article. 
  • Use filters: you may use filters to refine your search based on criteria proposed by the platform:
    • Geographical area
    • Business sectors
    • Data types
    • Advisory services type
    • Provider's organization
    • License type
    • Delivery method
    • Delivery mode
    • Group
  • By relevance or by more recent date 
  • By defining the display options (See already acquired data offerings and/or see my organization's products)

Unlike search criteria, filters do not change the relevance score: results are only displayed based on exact matches.

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