
Setting prices

  • How is pricing determined?

    You are free to set your own prices on the platform: One price for an entire offering (regardless of the number of current or future datasets) A price for each dataset within a same offering ...

    Tue, 11 Oct, 2022 at 6:09 PM
  • How can old data represent strong value?

    Some datas sees its value increases over time! If you have old data, it might be a good idea to provide it for sale. Why would old data interest acquirers? Rarity always generates interest. S...

    Tue, 26 Jan, 2021 at 2:58 PM
  • How do I set personalized pricing?

    An acquirer may ask you to adapt your price or the parameters of your license. You may propose a custom offering, reserved exclusively for that acquirer. How do I propose a personalized offerin...

    Tue, 11 Oct, 2022 at 4:51 PM
  • How can I estimate the price of my data?

    Value in the data market fluctuates based on supply and demand. In this context, a good estimation is based on experience and market feedback. How should I set preliminary pricing for the firs...

    Tue, 26 Jan, 2021 at 3:32 PM
  • What factors should I consider when assessing the value of my data?

    Prices in the data market fluctuate with supply and demand, taking into account a variety of different criteria. These 10 questions will help you define the value of your data Notoriety: can...

    Tue, 26 Jan, 2021 at 4:59 PM
  • What are the different pricing options available depending on the format and delivery method?

    The platform offers specific pricing and access control modes depending on the format and delivery mode of the data. Data distributed as a file: Data not updated: Price for the entire offer...

    Tue, 23 Jul, 2024 at 2:33 PM